Did you know??

That you can start the clean-up process and even open up walls in your home if you have a loss?  For example, let’s say you and your spouse go out for a nice dinner.  You return home to find your whole kitchen and dinning room flooded, the wood floors are buckled and the walls are wet.  You find out that the shut off valve to your main floor bathroom has gone bad.  You know it’s okay to obviously turn the water off to the home but did you know you can definitely call out a plumber before filing a claim.  You don’t need to wait on the Claim’s Adjuster to get everything remedied.  When it comes to water losses it’s really important to act quickly before mold and mildew grow.  You can also cause additional damage by waiting.  The best thing to do is to take pictures and or videos.  Keep the records from the Plumber and keep all receipts for any expenses you incurred while dealing with this mess.  If you actually leave water damage causing additional issues those could not be covered, so never hesitate to get moving.  The best thing to always do with a claim is to contact your Agent and not the 1-800.  Why?  The reason why is because home claims cannot be removed once filed even if there’s a $0.00 payout.  It’s important that we do our due diligence and figure out if it’s worth filing a claim (is the loss more than your deductible, is it a covered loss, -remember sometimes homeowners try to file claims for maintenance items and not losses because they don’t always realize how the insurance works) and there are a lot of moving parts to the claims process.  We are trained licensed Agents and the customer care people on the other line of the 1-800’s are just customer service people.  They cannot advise one way or another because they aren’t licensed.  We are here for you and although the loss may occur at 8pm on a Thursday night you don’t have to talk to us right then.  Start taking the steps to getting your home in order and we’ll help first thing in the morning. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for more information.