The most common Homeowner claims and how to prevent them:

There are numerous claims that occur daily that can easily be prevented. These are just some of the top issues we see all too often.  A regular maintenance plan for your home is a great way to prevent a lot of these issues.  Please see the list below:


Laundry Rooms:

  1. Loose hoses (most common are loose water line hoses to your washing machine. It’s important to make sure you keep them tightened because all too often you don’t find the problem until it’s a disaster with wet walls, flooring and mold/mildew.



  1. Leaks in your bathroom: make sure your grout looks good in the showers and tubs. Is the caulking still good around the toilets? It’s important to check these spots annually and add more caulking if need be.  Water can get in behind the tile in a bathroom and cause severe issues and damage.  Toilets all too often damage flooring and you don’t realize it until the tile or wood starts coming up.




  1. Ice makers and water dispensers in Refrigerators are such a nice feature however you need to ensure the water supply line/hose is not leaking and that the hose is tight. (these are located behind the fridge)
  2. Cooking, candles in the kitchen….do you have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen? You should keep one under your kitchen sink and do you recall what works best depending on the type of fire.  Example: Grease fire?
  3. Dishwasher leaks are very common and it seems like most people will run the dishwasher and come home to a mess. We personally have had soap issues while teaching our eldest how to help clean the kitchen.  She used regular dish soap instead of dishwasher soap and a lot of it.  Anyone who has had this happen knows it is a foamy mess. Luckily, we were home and able to handle it, however, we could have walked in to a disaster included buckled wood floors.



Whole House:

  1. Roof leaks/collapsing. There are ways to prevent some of these issues from occurring and it’s just a regular maintenance plan of cleaning the gutters to ensure they are free to help move water away during storms.  You can replace shingles as needed and this will extend the life of your roof.  Make sure you are looking at your roof after storms.  Another way to keep an eye on leaks is to watch the inside of your home for key issues such as water stains on the ceiling.  Those yellow rings are a sign that you have an issue that shouldn’t be ignored.


  1. Fireplace fires. For those with wood burning fireplaces it is important to have your chimney cleaned and looked at least once a year.


  1. Hot water heaters…when is the last time you examined yours? Many need to be flushed once or twice a year due to sediment build up


  1. Are you using surge protectors in your home? The proper one’s? Not overloading outlets?  Electrical fires can be very dangerous.


  1. Garage theft…. leaving your garage door open is a wonderful way for someone to come in and steal your belongings immediately or for them to come back now that they know all that you have in your garage. A good practice is to keep the door closed as often as possible.  Do you have an inventory of your personal items?  Did you remember to include all the items in your garage?  These tend to be the hardest items to remember and some of the most expensive stuff (tools, etc.).  Make a list, use an app to do so or take a video and speak about what’s inside.  What tools, when did you buy them, and what are their value if you had to replace them today?


  1. Furnace issues. Once again you need to inspect these often and always be aware of smells such as gas leaks.  Please add a carbon monoxide detector to the area that contains your furnace for extra safety.


  1. A big issue can be winter vacations and coming home to a huge mess because of pipes freezing and/or bursting. Just remember to keep the heat at a normal level and leave cabinets open to ensure your pipes are taking in that heat.  That’s right, leave the kitchen sink cabinets open along with bathrooms.  Always ask a friend or close neighbor to help keep an eye out on your home if you are going to be gone for more than a few days not just during winter.


  1. Theft and vandalism. Always keep your personal items out of sight.  If out of town ensure your using timers to keep your lights on and off regularly.  Lock all doors and windows and again have someone checking on your home.  Purchasing a burglar/fire alarm is always a great choice and offers a discount with most insurance companies.


  1. Dog bites and injuries are items that can be avoided. If your dog doesn’t care for strangers you need to make sure they are put up when people are nearby especially deliver people or postal workers.  Also, make sure toys/hoses/etc. are not left lying on the sidewalk.  Anyone coming up to your home can trip and fall then need medical attention.  You will be responsible although they were on your property.  Better safe than sorry.  This does include broken steps and walkway issues.  During winter, icy sidewalks need to have special attention not only for you and your family but possible visitors.  All too often accidents happen when kids have friends over then they trip and fall causing a claim.


If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us.  Again, these are just some of the top issues we see all too often.  A regular maintenance plan for your home is a great way to prevent a lot of these issues.  Set up some reminders on your calendar or on your phone so they are not forgotten.  Life gets busy but your home is your largest investment so it’s important to take proper care of it and avoid easily remedied items.