We Love Our Customers!

We pride ourselves in not pushing any insurance products and just listening to your needs.  The longer you are with our Agency the more we get to know you and understand your needs.  Our customers are truly an extension of our family and mean the world to us.  Protecting you from the unexpected is something we pride ourselves in.  We talk about auto, home and commercial insurance all day long but life insurance doesn’t come up as often.  Many customers put a wall up if life insurance is mentioned because it’s something that’s pushed so often and most definitely you can feel like you’re in the closing room at a car dealership just getting beat up by sales people.  Remember to put your guard down for those in your circle and let them explain why life insurance is so important.  We protect our phones with insurance, our appliances with warranty’s but many times we have very little to no life insurance.  If something were to happen you would never want your family to suffer the loss of losing you and then losing all that’s familiar to them.  Every day someone moves out of their home because it’s too expensive without a loved one’s income, they move their kids away from their school, move in with family or suffer extreme debt from medical bills.  Life really is short and precious.  Take a moment to ask your Agent questions about life insurance.  Do I have enough?  What happens to my life insurance when I leave my employer?  Will my life insurance expire?  How much is it at renewal?  Are my beneficiaries up to date?  At Wheeler Insurance and Financial Services, we work with 26 different life insurance carriers and are always happy to help with your needs.